Discount card

Fill up with quality fuel at GAZOIL gas station network cheaper and get bonuses on your card.

Discount card

Discount card terms and conditions

-5 ₸

Benefits of a discount card

Refueling becomes even more profitable with TOO “Gazoil” discount card!

Benefits of a discount card
Save on every liter

Save on every liter

Receive a discount of 5 tenge for every liter of fuel

Fixed discount

Fixed discount

The card discount does not depend on the volume of refueling, number of purchases or other factors.

Savings from the first refueling

Savings from the first refueling

Start saving money as soon as you get your card.

Ease of use

Ease of use

Simply present the card to the operator at the gas station.

No restrictions

No restrictions

Use the card at any of our gas stations.

Operational support

Operational support

Our customer service team is here to help you with any questions you may have about using your discount card and provide you with peace of mind.

How do I get a discount card?


Contact the commercial department

For registration of a discount card you need to contact the commercial department of the company on the contacts specified on the site.


Fill out the form

Fill out a short questionnaire. Our specialists will help you.


Get a discount card

The discount card is issued instantly and free of charge.


Start saving money!

Start saving money from the first refueling. The card does not require additional activation.

Calculate your benefit

Объем потребления в месяц

Экономия к концу месяца:
Экономия за год:
* Накопленные бонусы можно использовать, чтобы оплатить товары в наших мини-маркетах на АЗС "GAZOIL".
Оформи дисконтную карту и получи скидку
-5 ₸ на каждый литр автогаза
Свяжитесь с нами для оформления дисконтной карты

Коммерческий отдел:


Казахстан, г. Караганды,
ул. Ермекова 96/5
Казахстан, г. Темиртау,
пр. Республики 65

Commercial department

To apply for a discount card, please contact our specialists.

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